eMule AdunanzA is a Peer to Peer file sharing program.
It can be installed in English or Italian, and run in 36 different languages.
AdunanzA was born as a project to enhance the file sharing at Fastweb and Kadu Network. It´s a modification ot the original eMule client, with some internal tweaks to speed up the download process.
When you lunch the program, it attempts to connect to a list of P2P servers. When it finds a vacant port, it connects to it. Then, you´re into the network. You can download files from it, they can download files from you.
With AdunanzA, then, you will be able to stay connected both with te eD2K and the KAdu network.
You can Search for a given file in KAdu network or in the Global Network, and retrieve it from any of them.
Once you find the file you want to download, press the right button of your mouse over it, and choose the "Download" command from the contextual menu.
Your download will then appear in the "Transfers" screen, showing you the download speed, the downloaded percentage and the status, among other data.